These issues were being controlled by prednisone and a raw diet but she was on such a high dose it caused many negative side effects and her condition would start to return when I tappered down the prednisone.
IGCA MN rep, Kristin, is such an amazing person and didn't hesitate to approve my request for Katie to see Dr. Levy at Holistic Veterinary Care. Dr. Levy started Katie on several supplements and a holistic remedy. After two and a half months and some tweaks we were able to taper her prednisone down to 3.5mg a day. The power of holistic care and a raw diet has not only helped reduce the prednisone but allowed her energetic, fun personality to come through because she's feeling great!
Katie's medical condition is easily controlled with Standard Process supplements and a raw diet. She's on an excellent prepackaged raw diet: Stella and Chewy's. Stella and Chewy's is completely balanced with organic ingredients all made in Wisconsin. The best thing about Stella and Chewy's is the fact that they use high pressure to remove harmful bacteria while retaining the nutritional value and taste. There are a few supplements for her raw food including:
Animal Essentials Ocean Omega
Animal Essentials Plant Enzymes and Probiotics
Extra virgin coconut oil
Animal Essentials Milk Thistle/Dandelion tincture
Solid Gold Seameal
Pancreatin enzyme
I know all this sounds like a lot but it's because holistic care requires many supplements to treat the whole body system, unlike traditional health care which only addresses one problem. Since Katie is a 10 lbs. dog all her food and supplements total around $100-$120 a month.
We're confident that she will be able to taper off prednisone completely but it is a slow process that will take 6-8 months. Once she is off of prednisone her fawn coat should fill in nicely. We are already seeing great health benefits from holistic care and I'm sure she'll continue to amaze us.
I'll leave you with some pictures of Katie falling asleep in the sun this week. Katie wishes you all a Happy Easter!
The sun is making me sleepy... |
Going.... |
Going.... |
Gone |